What is it about electronic music that makes it impossible for some to stand still?
Why is it that country music makes some want to throw the CD out of the nearest window?
What is it about music made in the frequency of 432 Hz that makes us feel so relaxed?
In this post, we'll explore how this alternative tuning is related to our planet, how it almost became the standard pitch many years ago, why it's popular for healing, and the conspiracy theories behind its oppression.
- How Music Affects Us
- Schumann Resonance
- 432 Hz & 8 Hz
- Why 432
- 432 Vs. 440
- Healing History
- Conspiracy
- Summary
How Music Affects Us
Music is a force to be reckoned with.
Certain songs bring us to tears while others get us exhilarated and inspired for a once dreaded workout.
People create playlists for when they’re downhearted, happy, and almost every emotion in-between.
Music affects more than your psyche, too.
Science shows us that it affects internal functions like blood pressure and heart rate, can reduce anxiety, and even help with digestion and pain relief (1).
What most people don’t know is how it does this. I mean, what is music made of?
All sound is made by vibrations. Sound is what is heard when sound waves (vibrations) pass through the ear.
Sound is measured in frequency. And Hertz (Hz) is the measurement we use.
The way we feel, and the way the brain responds when we listen, depends on the combination of sound frequencies in the composition. This is known as the frequency response.
This simple theory will help you understand why 432 Hz is said to make for a better listening experience.
The Schumann Resonance – The Earth's Heartbeat
To understand the popularity behind 432 Hz, we need to first learn about the Schumann Resonance. This will ultimately explain the number’s importance.
A German physicist, Winfried Otto Schumann, documented the Schumann Resonance in 1952.
He understood that global electromagnetic resonances exist within the cavity between the Earth’s surface and the inner edge of the ionosphere.
He determined that the frequency of these electromagnetic waves is very low, ranging from 7.83 Hz to 8 Hz.
The Earth used to resonate at a steady average of 7.83 Hz, but in recent years we've seen a shift more towards an average of 8 Hz.
This frequency range is referred to as the Earth’s heartbeat, or vibration.
The Link Between 432 Hz and 8 Hz
So what's 432 Hz got to do with the Schumann Resonance of 7.83 – 8 Hz?
Well, musically speaking, the two resonate with each other.
Here's a fairly simplified explanation of how this came about, without too much math.
In 1713, a French physicist named Joseph Sauveur came upon a new concept:
Rather than tuning music at 440 Hz or other variations, he noted that by placing middle C at 256 Hz, you could create a system where each octave (or factor) of C lands on an even integer (whole number), instead of containing awkward decimals.
It is those awkward decimals he alluded to that make conventional music tuning (440 Hz) not sound as nice as music played at 432 Hz.
So, when we tune an instrument to 432 Hz, we get a C note at 256 Hz, which, due to the sympathetic resonance of the note overtones, will produce another C at exactly 8 Hz.
This frequency of 8 Hz – which is at the top end of the Theta brainwave state – is the brainwave state that makes us feel relaxed but conscious and open to intuitive learning.
So 432 Hz and 8 Hz are intrinsically linked in this way.

Why 432 Hz Resonates with Humans
The next question is: okay, so the musical theory makes sense, but why bother tuning to 432 Hz in the first place?
Well, firstly because it actually makes more sense, from a music theory stand point. You tune to nice whole numbers and not decimals – which are awkward.
But on a more primitive and spiritual level, one would presume it optimal to play music in alignment with our planet, with nature.
We know that prolonged exposure to certain frequencies can cause us to feel adverse physical effects.
Think for a moment about all the frequencies that travel through your brain on any given day: from cell phones, Wi-Fi, 5G, radio, and microwaves.
All these devices transmit at different frequencies. These manmade inventions are constantly penetrating our brains with different frequencies.
It is no wonder that devices that emit artificial electromagnetic radiation have been linked to cancer, depression, insomnia, and even miscarriage (2, 3, 4).
Also consider the repelling frequencies of car alarms, speaker or microphone feedback and the dental drill.
Then consider natural frequencies, such as birds singing, leaves rustling, rain, an ocean breeze. Do these things bother you, or comfort you?
These everyday vibrations made by Mother Nature resonant with our being.
They have, over the centuries, inspired the creation of instruments: think of the wind whistling through a hollow tree, and then consider the creation of the flute.
It makes sense that listening to music tuned to 432 Hz (8 Hz) would make us feel more calm and balanced; because it's in our DNA. We come from the Earth. We are part of the Earth.
We've created a recording with the instrumentation tuned to 432 Hz, and a binaural beats frequency tuned to the original Schumann Resonance of 7.83 Hz.
The binaural beats encourage your brain to follow along and produce Theta brainwaves, making you feel relaxed, while the music aligns you with the frequency of Mother Earth.
432 Hz Vs. 440 Hz (The Musical Standard)
Okay, so now we understand that 432 Hz is better aligned with Mother Nature, why isn't all music tuned this way?
Well, interestingly, during some periods it was. And a number of great composers have lobbied for it.
But it didn't become the standard music. And here's why.
The A=432 Hz is known as Verdi’s ‘A’ – named after Giuseppe Verdi, the famous Italian composer.
Verdi and many other musicians, like Mozart, tuned their music to this frequency because they said it contained “feel good” properties that resonated with the audience.
In fact, Verdi wrote to the Congress of Italian Musicians to have 432 Hz approved as the standard tuning.
Subsequently, this was unanimously approved in 1881 and recommended further by physicist Felix Savart, as well as by the Italian scientist Bartolomeo Grassi Landi.
However, it wasn't enough; even though this was approved in Italy at the time.
This is because The American Federation of Musicians accepted 440 Hz as the standard pitch in 1917, and it became a worldwide standard 1953.
Since, despite geniuses like Verdi and many great producers and composers agreeing that the frequency is dis-harmonic – because it has no scientific relationship to the physical laws that govern our universe – 440 Hz has stood the test of time.
432 Hz: Healing Through History
Dating back a couple of centuries, there is fair evidence of instruments being tuned to the 432 Hz frequency.
The Stradivarius violins, which were built throughout the late 17th and early 18th centuries, were tuned at 432 Hz and renowned for their superior construction and sound.
Using a Korg Tuner, researcher Jamie Buturff looked into the recordings of Tibetan singing bowls and found that they were tuned to 432 Hz.
The purpose of this is undoubtedly to promote a meditative state and subsequent healing.
Additionally, According to international researcher and musician Ananda Bosman, the majority of instruments unearthed from ancient Egyptian and Greek sites are tuned to A=432 Hz.
Indeed, sacred sites all over the world are encoded with the geometry and number of 432. But we won't cover all that here.
432 Hz Conspiracy Theories
The mathematical theory behind 432 Hz and its endorsement by famous musicians cannot be doubted, neither can the fact that the Earth is tuned at this frequency.
However, the Internet, like it does with so many things, has injected this science with mystery, sparking a number of conspiracy theories.
It's not surprising though. The fact that musical greats and ancient societies preferred 432 Hz, but the US and UK ignored this and chose 440 Hz, was bound to make people suspicious.
The RothsChild Theory
Most theories centre on the belief that the 440 Hz frequency was deliberately adopted by governments/regimes as a way to manipulate and control the masses.
Over time it is said to make people lethargic and borderline depressed, and therefore easily influenced.
It is claimed that in 1910, John Calhoun Deagan, an alleged member of US Naval Intelligence, was funded by the Rothschild’s family to convince the American Federation of Musicians to endorse a standard of A=440 Hz tuning for orchestras and concert musicians.
This was accepted by the US government in 1917 and became the International standard concert pitch in 1953.
Deagan was a musician himself and developed instruments such as the xylophone, vibraphone, organ chimes, aluminum harp, Swiss handbells, the marimba, and orchestra bells.
The Nazi Theory
It is suggested that the Nazi regime used 440 Hz and experimented with other influential frequencies alongside it designed to assist in the control of people's minds.
Joseph Goebbels, prime minister of propaganda for the Third Reich, and whose job was to spread the Nazi message, supposedly directed this mission.
He apparently used music containing concentrated 440 Hz frequencies and others to induce fear and hostility in the masses.
People listening to this music were essentially prisoners of their own aggressive consciousness.
While these are certainly interesting theories, conflicting of dates between authors and lack of evidence prevents proper debate.
In Summary
Despite there being no obvious change to the naked ear because of the small shift in frequency, it is no surprise that people report a sense of harmony and calm when listening to music tuned to A=432 Hz.
Regular listening has a re-connecting effect, as you gradually re-attune to the frequency of the Earth.
440 Hz, despite being forced upon us as a music tuning pitch standard, is not in harmony with the frequency of the Earth. It is, in many areas, dis-harmonic.
Could it be that over exposure to music at 440 Hz is dumbing us down, making us lethargic and even unhappy, maybe easier to manipulate?
Are we simply out of sync?
It may well be the reason that that certain types of music cause behavioral issues and intense negative emotional reactions in some people.
What we do know is that music has healing properties: Music therapists use music to help restore memory in Alzheimer’s patients, improve basic motor skills in stroke victims, and to manage chronic pain.
We also know that many talented composers and physicists have advocated for 432 Hz throughout history, and many art-drive institutions such as the Schiller Institute continue to do so today.
Music has the ability to comfort us, and through brainwave entrainment (where we come in), the ability to shift the brain into specific states conducive to wellbeing.
Get Started Now
To help you tune yourself to the heartbeat of the planet, we have produced our own 432 Hz meditation music using our signature binaural beats at 7.83 Hz (Schumann Resonance frequency).
Not only will you feel a calming effect after listening, regular listening will decrease feelings of stress and anxiety and in turn promote natural healing and a deeper connection with the Earth.
I have a question as you will know more than me (I hope)
It’s regarding Tibetan ringing bowls.
I have contacted several ‘healers’ and or sellers of these said items.
I want to aquire some but when I ask them is A tuned at 432 or 440 Htz
They are simply clueless of the potential significance of this …and they …are piously in this arena of teaching.
I find it most un satisfactory to be honest.
In summary, can you if indeed you know it. Inform me of a provider of said bowls that are tuned at 432Htz
Thanking you in advance
Colin in the UK
Hi Colin, you can get the crystal ones tuned to 432 Hz on Amazon. Please see here.
Most helpful.
Thank you
You’re welcome, Colin.
How do we know these are genuine and tuned to 432? I struggle to trust amazon!
I totally understand Justine. It is difficult to know who to trust. We’ve been producing frequency-based healing music for over 11 years and have thousands of happy customers. If you have further questions please feel free to contact me through the contact form here: https://www.binauralbeatsmeditation.com/contact/
I am pretty sure you can buy a tuner, that will indicate the frequency of any instrument, and help you tune it
As well
Greetings to you,
Dear friend, consider the fundamental point that music in the Orient was transferred to the next generation through chest-to-chest education up to 100 years ago, and non-industrial methods were used in the manufacture of musical instruments, and although it still continues in Tibet. So it’s very possible that your question was wrong. Because they have strict standards and traditional benchmarks in Tibet and with a completely different definition than you intend.
if all this true, wouldn’t it be to humanities advantage to use 432 for all music, and , oh Nevermind, just had an interesting thought
To Add to the story. If we look at 12 as we have 12 notes in the chromatic scale. Twelve is a composite number, the smallest number with exactly six divisors, its divisors being 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12. Twelve is also a highly composite number, the next one being twenty-four.[9]
Twelve is the smallest abundant number, since it is the smallest integer for which the sum of its proper divisors (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16) is greater than itself. Twelve is a sublime number, a number that has a perfect number of divisors, and the sum of its divisors is also a perfect number. Since there is a subset of 12’s proper divisors that add up to 12 (all of them but with 4 excluded), 12 is a semiperfect number…. Now when we divided 440 by 12 we get 36.666 😈. Divide 432 by 12 we get 36, 3+6=9. Tesla said when you understand 3,6,9 you unlock the secrets to the universe. Now let’s look at this 7.83hz. Times 7.83 by 12 = 93.96 9+3=12 9+6=15 1+2=3 1+5 =6 3+6=9…. 9 is of huge significance as we but that is all for now. 😊
Wow, thanks for writing that out for us Mark. Tesla did say that and these numbers seem to pop up everywhere!
The frequency of the earth drifts from 7.83 as mentioned above. It is closer to 8 now.
That’s correct, the frequency drifts around the 8 Hz mark. This is the reason 8 Hz is considered so significant.
When I listen to 440 verses 432 hertz, I find I enjoy the 440 sound- more full, more pleasant, more calming and more pleasant to my ear.
Why is that, I wonder?
We are all used to the standard 440 Hz tuning, and familiarity feels good, but over time people tend to warm to 432 Hertz and feel a holistic benefit that goes beyond the auditory listening experience of 440 Hz. That being said, the beauty of music is that it is perceived differently by different people, and this won’t necessarily be the case for everyone.
Wow interesting, Could you reference for curious minds please?
Also, if you add the numbers together of 7.83 hz ~ 7+8+3= 18 so, 1+ 8= 9
This is true for ALL A=432hz scaled music…..
All frequencies on this scale will reduce to a single digit of 3, 6, or 9…….
Correct! and to go to the end of story, 440Hz / 8Hz = 55 and 55 means SS
440Hz emission gives sacred geometry form Hexagon, Hexagon is bad frequency cerebral closed disharmonious (Saturn vortex pôle/Satan/carbon element graphen with 666)
432Hz emission gives a sacred geometry form like a Star a Sun shining and Harmonious opened emission
Just wondering Mark. It’s also possible for the number 7.83 to be arrived at as 9 by simply adding 7+8+3 which is 18 and then 1+8 = 9. Also with 440 * 12 and the result 36.666 also adds up to 9 (3+6+6+6+6 = 27 thus 2+7 =9). However simply adding 440 gives 8 and that means it’s not a Tesla series. Love the way you connected 12 though and its uniqeness.
I love this thread. Thanks
I do too…and I love your name..so pretty!
I first learned about the difference between 432 hertz and 440 hertz from a science video. The example was showing an experiment testing the effects of both frequencies on cells under a microscope. The difference was amazing! Then when I read about the frequency of earth and the natural world in scientific literature as you describe in your article, I understood why 432 hertz is more natural, soothing, healing and relaxing. Although I am not into new age or eastern meditation, I love nature and music. I can certainly see that the 432 hertz tuning frequency is worth listening to. The music you provide is great! Thank you.
Yeah the Joseph Gobbels stuff is super shady. Makes me think of Project Paperclip and all the Nazi war criminal scientists we let into America after the war. Another really great one here which goes into some detail on the Golden ratio and a bunch of other stuff about the tuning: https://www.shiftfrequency.com/curious-case-of-432-vs-440/
432 is a multiple of 8, but the earth’s frequency is actually 7.83. The multiple of 7.83 is actually around 423. So, it appears we are still out of tune with the earth. It appears we like 432 because it is mathematically simple, not because it’s related to the earth.
Stephen, James (BBM)above says that the frequency of the Earth drifts from 7.8Hz to 8Hz and that now it’s at 8Hz. So that means that listening to 432Hz tuned music now does make us in tune with the Earth.
Hi thanks for this. I seem to recall hearing about an app or something that can tune whatever you listen to, to 432. Have you heard of anything like this?
I am new to all of this, and I know that 432 is an energy number adding up to 9. However, it is a descendent right? So you cant get to the 4th dimension but it will drop you back down the the 3rd and 2nd. So it doesn’t specifically tune in to or ground you to any energy center, which would mean that those lower energies could flow up in to you from those levels unnoticed.
I’ve learned that 444 will send you directly in to the quantum field. Which hits your heart and allows you to tune to 528, a 5th dimension frequency. Like I said, I am just learning, so I am curious about this and possibly using a frequency that does not ground us to an energy center.
Once you realize we are all vibrate at different frequencies, then you start to understand how things work in our world. Everything vibrates at a specific frequency. Tesla figured this out and was able to figure out what the frequency of a building he was in was…he matched that frequency and the building started to shake as if in a earthquake. Powerful discovery. A gentlemen by the name of Rife also figured out that frequencies can heal human disease.
I have have questions about hz, because its per second, so 432 hz is 432 waves per second, but are seconds a good way of deviding time? because I see the wonderfull math with tesla, fibonachi etcetera, but then still it has been build on time in seconds. And yeah, I’m wondering if seconds are the best way to devide time, 24 hours in a day, so much second in a day. but is it in the natural way of the planetary vibrations, circulations. yeh it stays a question in my mind. does this make a little sense? I find it hard to formulate the question, but its maybe clear where I am pointing at?
A heartbeat. A second.
24 hours a day, 60 minutes per hour, 60 seconds per minute – 86400 <– 432*200
The measure of the sun is 864000 Miles, but I think that Nasa has lied and the sun is sending vibrations to the earth, and that should read 864 mils, a mil is a measure used to tax people on property. The suns metric is 1.39 million kilometers
Continuing, a second seems the perfect measure. But it is the last measure, I do not think there's a way for humanity to survive if our heartbeat goes below 7.77.
783 has a sum of divisors of 1200. {1, 3, 9, 27, 29, 87, 261, 783}=1200
You have heard someone say, well that's just your "Twocents"; The cent is a logarithmic unit of measure used for musical intervals. Twelve-tone equal temperament divides the octave into 12 semitones of 100 cents each.
Two cents is 2/1200 or 1/600
This should never be used. An octave is 1/8th, This divides an octave into a decimal system, which is off tone, off beat, and has thrown the whole world off-kilter.
Twocents = 1/600
86400/600 = 144, perfect square: 12*12, 12th Fibonacci, sum of 403, which is the product of 13*31. A mirror, the bad number 13, if one believes in superstitions. Even a song about it by "The Offspring". "He asked for a 13, but they drew a 31".
I know I digressed a bit, but the extra add to how we have been lied to about everything. Science is mostly a lie, but math and music don't lie.
I would definitely buy music at 432hz, there is only one problem. Digital music contains no sound wave at all! It just simulates a sound wave with on/off pulses on a computer. The human ear hears music, but there are no real vibrations for the body to resonate with.
I have read that those of us who are older and grew up with analog music, may be able to recreate the sound waves in our bodies while listening to music we listened to a lot when we were young, before CDs. Neil Young once said, when CDs were starting to replace records, “There will come a time when people will ask themselves what music really sounds like.“ Incidentally, he records all his music analogically. Then it gets digitized for selling as CDs and downloads.
In my observation, popular music changed considerably when digital technology conquered the music world. I suspect because music could not be felt anyway. Rap, HipHop, Techno and other genres that are less dominant on melody, harmony, singing and lyrical instrumentation became popular with their emphasis on beats, bass, spoken words and repetition. Beats and bass can still be felt somewhat on a physical level through their sheer force, when played really loud. Complexity in popular music disappeared in favor of riffs and refrains that can be easily memorized and that sound the same from one song to the next.
Digital music (made inside a computer) is converted to analogue via digital-analogue conversion. When you listen in headphones or through speakers you are hearing the vibrations of sound.
Hi James,
Is it true that digital music gets converted to analogue when it comes out of my speaker. I’m wondering if it would be more beneficial to not be using headphone so the vibrations hit out entire body rather than just going through our ear canal. I’m also wondering if you can recommend a piece of equipment that would show what hz music is tuned to? I see lots of different youtube music claiming to be 432 hz or 528 hz, etc… and I’m wondering how I can be sure they are healing frequencies. I would love to be able to purchase music from this site, but I’ve lost my trust in everything and everyone recently and would like to know how I can be certain. Thanks for your help.
Hi Karen, yes, digital devices contain a converter that converts the digital signal to analogue, so that it can be heard through the speaker. Non digital devices such as record players that play vinyl are purely analogue in their reproduction.
With wellness audio that uses specific frequencies such as 432 and 528, it may well be best to use headphones, because as you say the vibrations of the music are closer to the body and received more directly. Where binaural beats are concerned, which is a specific technology, you have to use headphones to benefit from the frequency entrainment.
Our music has a dual approach. We use our proprietary binaural beats technology, but we also tune our music using frequency tuning such as 432 Hz, and also the various solfeggio frequencies from the ancient scale. Our choice of tuning frequency is based on the one that best complements the desired outcome of the track.
I understand your reservations with YouTube. All I can say is that we are the leading provider of binaural beats music and have been for 12 years. We also provide a range of subliminal messaging audio. Our production team have been producing music for over 25 years, with huge experience in meditation and brainwave entrainment music.
thanks for referencing analog tone superiority over digital numerical tone simulation, and it’s not modern to use analog devices, except they still manage to sound better at least to my ears, and i too was weened on records and tape, and analog fm radio….i think if y’r really taking this earth based/golden- ratio frequency sensitivity seriously, which i am, as a musician and planetary citizen, one would naturally gravitate toward analog recorded and played music because it is not a zero/one simulation, and requires no conversion for our ears. i know this will ruffle a feathers hereabouts, but even with the imperfections, analog is more organic sounding, if earth frequencies and harmonics are what you are striving for….digital is more within the realm of human import.
Good information. Figures not quite exact though, but close enough.
Giuseppe Verdi/Schumann Resonance C = 256Hz Standard Tuning Triple A
Twelfth Root 2 Note Hz Note Hz
Fundamental 13.5 16 13.75
1.059463094 A 4 216 A 215.2694823 4 A 220
Bb 4 228.8440284 Bb 228.0700718 4 Bb 233.0818808
B 4 242.4518024 B 241.631824 4 B 246.9416506
C 4 256.8687368 C 256 4 C 261.6255653
C# 4 272.1429468 C# 271.2225522 4 C# 277.182631
D 4 288.3254085 D 287.3502844 4 D 293.6647679
Eb 4 305.4701295 Eb 304.4370214 4 Eb 311.1269837
E 4 323.6343286 E 322.5397888 4 E 329.6275569
F 4 342.8786272 F 341.7190027 4 F 349.2282314
F# 4 363.2672514 F# 362.038672 4 F# 369.9944227
G 4 384.8682462 G 383.5666117 4 G 391.995436
Ab 4 407.7537031 Ab 406.3746693 4 Ab 415.3046976
A 5 432 A 430.5389646 5 A1 440
Bb 5 457.6880568 Bb 456.1401437 5 Bb 466.1637615
B 5 484.9036049 B 483.2636481 5 B 493.8833013
C 5 513.7374737 C 512 5 C 523.2511306
C# 5 544.2858936 C# 542.4451043 5 C# 554.365262
D 5 576.650817 D 574.7005687 5 D 587.3295358
Eb 5 610.940259 Eb 608.8740429 5 Eb 622.2539675
E 5 647.2686572 E 645.0795776 5 E 659.2551138
F 5 685.7572545 F 683.4380053 5 F 698.4564629
F# 5 726.5345028 F# 724.0773439 5 F# 739.9888454
G 5 769.7364925 G 767.1332234 5 G 783.990872
Ab 5 815.5074062 Ab 812.7493386 5 Ab 830.6093952
A 6 864 A 861.0779292 6 A2 880
I’m sure you know what all that means John – well done, and all that. But seriously, without adequate explanation it’s not doing anything to help raise awareness for those visiting this page hoping to find out more.
Far too many people commenting here with their heads up their backsides, whose primary objective is the ego trip of showing off what they know instead of resonating mindfully with a more altruistic ethos of sharing knowledge. Maybe y’all need to listen to a bit more Verdi.
Heather, et al, I’m a acoustic guitar performer singing country, folk & gospel. I stumbled on to this and find it extremely interesting. Have gotten feedback from musicians who do retuned to 432hz and the affect on a secular audience? Would combat evil forces?
It did on this former heathen. 😉
Praise God for His goodness and His people.
I am now tuning to 432hz and staying as far away from the Deceiver’s destructive tones as possible.
Hey I have a question, I meditate everyday and I play binaural beats for each chakra I meditate too for that day. Would it be better to listen to all chakras as binaural beats no matter the chakra I choose to meditate to ? Or stick with the chakra frequency associated with the chakra you are meditating too ?
There are two options here:
1. Listen to a track that cycles through the chakras at the correct frequency as you meditate. Like this one: https://www.binauralbeatsmeditation.com/product/chakra-healing/
2. Focus on one chakra in a given session and listen to a track with the corresponding frequency for that chakra.
I hope this helps!
I feel, that all of us know, so just feel what resonates. if something resonates, thats the one.
Great article. Only one mistake: the change to A=440 was in 1938 (just before 2WW, not in 1917)
I can only add here, that I checked a several recordings of a bell churches built before 1938, and all of them were tuned to A=432hz.
Hi, I am curious as to what frequency was heard when the moon supposedly rang like a bell…an event that lead to or was a part of the hollow moon theory. Thanks!
I have no idea of the frequency but it’s such an interesting occurrence, isn’t it?
I have listened to music that compares 432Hz to 440Hz with the same music and same musician, and I haven’t known which was which. When I have listened, I can’t differentiate, but when I have felt the music, I find 432Hz has a calming beauty about it, and 440Hz jars. I can’t tell the difference so well if it’s ‘rock’ music because that’s not calming anyway; but with meditative music it’s clear.
I think it has a cumulative effect too. You may not notice it in sound but over time you feel better for it.
I came across this article while doing some research wow I am very impressed. Thanks for spreading this great information. I love to create rap and trap music in 432hz just feels better to me. Great Article!
That’s awesome!
I’ve been playing, writing and recording at A=432Hz for more than 10 years. Even trap and rap… lol. For the sound engineers amongst you Logic Pro X is the easiest program to use as you can detune your entire project to 432Hz. With DAWs like Ableton Live you need to detune synth by synth, which can be very time consuming and can mess up your creative workflow. I saw @Alinoeh commented that 440Hz was implemented in 1938. I thought so too. The above aticle is great but I miss references. Where did you read that they changed the standard to A=440Hz in 1917? @John Gray is right too, those are the propper figures for the amount of Hz at those given notes and even then there are more digits. Kind regards and blessings… PS @Karen you can just take a guitar tuner, even if it doesn’t tune to 432 you can tell if the music is in 440… it will move up and down but at point in the music it will go green and tell you probably which chord thus bass note is being played. I;m a bit of a luddite so I still don’t have a smartphone but there are plenty of free apps where you can download a guitar tuner that does allow you to measure at 432Hz
Yes Shinri, I find music and the maths (12th root of 2 = 1.05946309436) behind it very interesting. The 440Hz started as an American standard then became an ISO standard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A440_(pitch_standard). So triple A at 432Hz would give Bb/A# a frequency of 457.6880568Hz (=432 x 1.05946309436). Interestingly, a triple C =512Hz (then triple A =430.5389646 only 1.45Hz short of 432Hz ) would give a binary harmonics1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256 and 512Hz etc.
Stephen, James (BBM)above says that the frequency of the Earth drifts from 7.8Hz to 8Hz and that now it’s at 8Hz. So that means that listening to 432Hz tuned music now does make us in tune with the Earth.
I am a musician that dabbles in science, my dabbling was based on my gradual hearing loss. I would use brain wave frequencies to target the audio frequencies for the location to zero in on the source. This was in 2017. Flash forward, to
2023, I have been using brain waves for entertainment and as I have Alzheimer’s disease I learned that brain waves of 40Hz can counter the plaque that clogs the surface of the brain. This results in a 50% drop in some people. If anyone out there reads this post I suggest that they scan the web for Brain Waves vs Alzheimer’s. I have been using brain waves for a long time before learning about this. From being in a fog to recapturing reading skills and gaining coherency, the brain waves can continue their tasks for challenging Brain waves vs Alzheimer’s. Spread the news!
Thanks Jerry, see he memory section (5) on this page for some links to studies on this topic. https://www.binauralbeatsmeditation.com/about/the-benefits-of-meditation/
I am a musician that dabbles in science, my dabbling was based on my gradual hearing loss. I would use brain wave frequencies to target the audio frequencies for the location to zero in on the source. This was in 2017. Flash forward, to
2023, I have been using brain waves for entertainment and as I have Alzheimer’s disease I learned that brain waves of 40Hz can counter the plaque that clogs the surface of the brain. This results in a 50% drop in some people. If anyone out there reads this post I suggest that they scan the web for Brain Waves vs Alzheimer’s. I have been using brain waves for a long time before learning about this. From being in a fog to recapturing reading skills and gaining coherency, the brain waves can continue their tasks for challenging Brain waves vs Alzheimer’s. Spread the news!
My dear friends,
Keep on your harmonic research since it is the best way to stay tuned with universal harmony mysteries of Nature. Since Nature is the only beautiful Real manifestation, on our relativist physical level of Reality of the perfect intelligence of the divine light of God.
The book of the mysteries of the resonant harmonics of our virgin mother the universal Nature is the only scientific book of revelations of the real beauty of God.
God’s writing and expression is the real Book of science, made on resonance harmonics of the universal Nature at our modest level of understanding. It is the highest level of Truth for knowing Reality.
Your research on the 432 Hz harmonic music tune to Earth frequency is good. It goes in the right direction, but it is not enough !!!
You forget that the scale of music, when playing piano is now totally artificial, and therefore unatural , mechanical , and worth than the 440Hz satanic music frequency. Since it is based on 12th root 2 ”equality” transposition system of Jean Baptiste Rameau. Equality is artificial and exist nowhere in the Universe ! Only Harmonic complementarity is natural and therefore Real !
Only the clavecin, violin like instruments can now be tuned on the real divine Harmonic musical analogic scale.
Listen to clavecin played music (like Mozart music) and the same melody played by a 432Hz piano. It is like day and night, like a painting of flowers compared by the flowers themselves ! Try.
The antic musical scale is based on the universal Divine proportion of the Divine Golden number, and absolutely not on the 12 root 2 artificial mathematic concept of rameau , unabling the famous musical transposition ”wonder”.
Then last in your noble research, try to know through the real Harmonic antic scale, how to find the so famous antic Golden Age 13th note. Like the one on the original andean flute , Druidic Lyra, harpa etc.
The 13th note is the real mystery of the Golden Age wonderful music.
When you find the system on which it is based , then a whole Renaissance will be born through the making of wonderful magical musical instruments that will give a big hope and strength to humanity against bad destructive forces.
Rediscovering the Harmonic music through the Golden divine proportion and number will enerate again the fantastic creativity forces to the 16th century Renaissance.
Then with the 13th musical note you will really be hamonically tuned with the Divine Harmony and with the beautiful antic Heaven mood. A real difference !
Another world Renaissance is then possible from now on , in order to counter terrible wars, and bring to humanityan Heavenly happiness through the rediscovery of the 13th harmonic note. Will spring then the making of beautiful Golden Age preantic harmonic musical instruments to give aain a perfect health through the harmonic mysterious beauty of Nature.
Good luck to you !
I am a bass player in a local rock cover band. By no means a music expert or advanced in any way. I have been playing for 54 years having performed in a few other countries of Southeast Asia and Europe besides the USA and feel that I have a little insight into what makes people feel good and does not. Last year after researching the 432hz and flirting with it on my own I talked my band into trying out the tuning. We consist of a PHD guitar player, an aircraft parts supplier drummer, PHD engineering student on vocals, my retired state worker wife on lead vocals and myself a retired Charter boat skipper on bass. We played one song Double Vision by Foreigner . We all looked at one another and said “did you feel that?” We have never returned to 440hz after that fateful night. Our audiences started to change also. Instead of “you guys rock” it was people coming up to us saying how good our music made them feel. Mind you we just play an eclectic mix of rock music from the 70’s to the 2000’s. The audiences seem to have a more genuine friendlier feel to them. True, it can get muddled in some of the seedier bars due to the effects of alcohol but when we play a lot of fraternal orginization’s ie, Elks,Eagles etc, ( where alcohol is also served but not overly abused ) and it just seems to bring people together. They say we are the best band they have had in their venue even though we are your average local weekend band albeit more rehearsed and competent than most. I am in the process of trying to convince more local players to try this out to no avail. I get the ” yeah right hippie” or “what you been smoking” attitude a lot. A few have at least listened to my point of view but no one I know of has changed. Just my2¢ , and I will never go back to 440.