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A Guide to Walking Meditation and a Simple Practice to Get Started

Walking meditation is a meditative practice that involves slow, purposeful walking. Its goal is to bring the mind and body into synchronization, evoking mindful awareness of what is normally a simple, everyday action. This roots the mind in the present moment, in a similar way to a breathing meditation. It also connects us with nature and our surroundings.

third eye meditation techniques

How to Activate Your Third Eye Using Meditation Techniques

The third eye is a spiritual concept that refers to a person being able to achieve perception beyond ordinary sight. Also known as the ‘inner eye’, it is the gateway to inner realms and states of higher consciousness, beyond the physical world. The third eye is commonly associated with visions, clairvoyance, out-of-body-experiences (OBE), astral projection and the ability to observe chakras and auras.


The 5 Key Properties of Good Meditation Music

Not all meditation music is created equally. Some just doesn’t hit the spot, and doesn’t take you into that zone, that place where all your worries and stresses fall away amidst a serene back drop of calming, peaceful sounds. If you’re looking for good meditation music then look for these 5 key things.


Binaural Beats Side Effects: Are There Any Known Health Risks?

One question people often ask when researching binaural beats is whether or not there are side effects to using the recordings. And you can’t blame anyone for wondering, when you consider that brain entrainment changes brain state – even if it does so positively.


How Binaural Beats Can Boost Confidence & Improve Self-Esteem

Confidence is all in the mind. It’s about mindset, and mindset is difficult to change. The question is: can brainwave entrainment, in this case binaural beats, help you improve your confidence?
The short answer is yes, particularly when combined with positive subliminal messaging.


How Delta Binaural Beats Work & Their Benefits on Health

To understand delta binaural beats and their benefits, we first need to understand what delta waves are. The delta brainwave state is the lowest in the brainwaves chart. These are slow brainwaves, thus their association with sleep.