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An Easy Breathing Meditation Technique for Relaxation

Meditation is all about relaxation, and even though specific binaural beats meditation music is engineered to induce deep states of relaxation to combat stress and anxiety or cultivate deeper spiritual awareness, this process can be enhanced by simply learning to breathe properly.


Using Binaural Beats During Cataract Surgery Reduces Anxiety

A study has shown that the use of binaural beats during surgery correlates with lower anxiety and reduced systolic blood pressure. The research was carried out on senior patients undergoing cataract surgery. Cataract surgery was chosen because the surgery is typically carried out with local anesthesia, and therefore patients will be awake during the procedure. 

astral projection mp3

Astral Projection Guide & Free mp3 Download to Start Your Travel

Astral Projection is similar to that of an OBE (Out of Body Experience): you separate your spiritual body from your physical body and enter a dream-like state that is essentially another realm or dimension. However, it should be noted that astral projection is not simply a dream, but a real spiritual occurrence of travel.


Study Shows Binaural Beats Improve Anxiety, Quality of Life & Reduce IGF-1

This particular study took place in 2007, with the goal of assessing the psychologic and physiologic effects of binaural beats. Carried out by the Helfgott Research Institute, each subject was given a CD containing delta (0-4 Hz) binaural beats to listen to daily for 60 days.

binaural beats for styudying

The Benefits of Using Binaural Beats for Studying

The art of meditation has been used to help center the mind for deeper focus for hundreds of years. Whether to access a heightened state of consciousness, for mental and physical healing, or to master control of the mind to endure hardship, meditation is a powerful life tool that has many proven health benefits.