Custom Affirmations Service

Positive affirmations, both audible and subliminal, are a proven way to reinforce positive beliefs and change negative behaviors.

People often write affirmations down, or read them daily online or from books to re-center the mind around specific goals and aspirations.

The best way, however, for the mind to absorb positive affirmations is through spoken word; through an audio recording.

We're pleased to be able to offer a custom affirmations recording service, produced in our state of the art studio.

Placing your order is simple: You choose a track from our catalogue, provide us with your written affirmations, and we create the recording for you.

Your finished order will be delivered with subliminal and audible versions of the track. Please read on for further details on what this means.


Subliminal Versus Audible Affirmations

If you're wondering what the difference is between the two, here's a quick explanation:

Audible Affirmations:

This is a voice recording of you affirmations that you can hear. We record the affirmations you provide and lay them over your chosen track, featuring them in appropriate parts of the composition, usually 4 times over the course of a 30-minute track, and double that in the 1-hour version.

Subliminal Affirmations

Subliminal messaging, as it is also known, is designed to reprogram the subconscious mind with a new belief, habit, or behavior.

The message (affirmation) bypasses your conscious mind, without being consciously perceived. The message is then deciphered by the brain and able to reach the subconscious mind, where the positive messaging can begin to replace/reprogram the old belief.

A quick example would be that you hold the belief that you cannot lose weight and are destined to be an overweight person. This is a self-limiting belief that has you stuck in cycle of overeating and lack of exercise, because you lack the belief and willpower to change.

If we create a subliminal message that repeatedly tells the subconscious mind, “I am in control of what I eat”, we can reinforce a new belief, which will result in a new behavior. This same process can be applied to any area of life.

The key thing about subliminal audio is that you can't hear it. You may pick up on some high frequencies when listening, but only if your hearing is good.

This is because we first record the affirmations in our studio, and then have our engineer modulate the affirmations above the threshold of human hearing. This enables the messaging to bypass your hearing range and conscious perception but still travel to the brain where the message is understood.

If you're struggling to understand this concept, think of it like this: the human brain only hears up to 20 kHz, but sound outside of this range can still be felt through vibration. Just because we have a limited hearing threshold, it doesn't mean we aren't affected by sound outside of that range – because sound is vibration that penetrates through all elements of the environment.

If you would like to read more about this topic, we have a comprehensive blog post on all things subliminal messaging, which you can read here.


The custom affirmations service costs $200, and takes approximately 1 week to deliver.

You will receive four versions:

1. Subliminal version (1-hour, includes music, binaural beats, and subliminal affirmations).

2. Subliminal version (30-minutes, includes music, binaural beats, and subliminal affirmations).

3. Audible Affirmations version (1-hour, includes music, binaural beats, and audible affirmations)

4. Slient Subliminal version (2-hour, includes subliminal affirmations only).

We can provide your preferred file type too, be that .mp3 or .wav, or both.

How to Place Your Order

Step 1:

First, choose a track from our catalogue of meditation music. If you want to provide your own track, that's fine too, but the pricing remains the same.

Step 2:

Write down the affirmations you want to use. We recommend no more than 15 per project, as you really want to hone in on the area you want to influence.

Step 3:

Email us with details of your chosen track and your affirmations. We will then set up an invoice for you to pay a 50% deposit. Once paid, we'll start work on creating your custom track.

Once we deliver your files, we will invoice you for the remaining balance.

Tips for Writing Good Affirmations

1. You can have 5, 10, or 12 affirmations, it's up to you. But try to stay below 15. The key is to stay focussed on the topic in hand, such as weight loss, abundance, success mindset, gratitude, healing emotional trauma, etc.

2. A great way to write affirmations is to use ‘I' and ‘me' and ‘my'. You may have noticed that many affirmations start with ‘I'. You can see an example on this page (scroll down through the description).

3. Write your affirmations in the present tense, as if they are happening now and the event already exists. For example: “I believe in myself and my ability to succeed”.

4. Keep your affirmations as concise as possible. Affirmations should be able to be spoken in one sentence. If you have an affirmation with two clauses (separate parts), consider splitting it over two affirmations.

5. Create affirmations that are realistic and achievable.

If you want us to review your affirmations and provide some feedback before we gets started, please let us know. Alternatively, if you're confident that you have your affirmations exactly as you want them, we'll get straight to recording.

+ Contact us to arrange your order


Can I order more than one custom track at a time?

Yes, but please note that the delivery time is one week, per track. We have a busy studio schedule and all jobs have to be booked in.

Can you write my affirmations for me?

Yes, but there will be an extra charge of $65. Please contact us for further details.

Can I record my own affirmations and give them to you to mix with a track?

Yes, but please note that the quality of your vocal recording will determine the overall quality of the finished product. We can remove some pops, clicks and other noise, and use audio processing to improve quality, but it's not a magic wand.

The best way to achieve a great outcome is to start with a great input.

Our vocals are recorded in an acoustically treated studio, which is also soundproofed from external noise interference. We also use an industry standard microphone to ensure quality.

How will I receive my order?

Once finished, we'll send you your files via a secure Google Drive download link.

Can I sell the finished track on my website or streaming platforms?

This custom service is primarily designed for personal users. However, we permit the sale of 500 downloads from a website, or 500 sales of a CD, of the audible affirmations version, but not of the subliminal version.

The reason for this is that the subliminal version has affirmations that aren't audible and therefore the track is almost identical to that which we sell on our website. Of course, if you provide us with your own track for the recording, you are free to do as you please with the final version.

We do license our music for commercial projects such as the creation of guided meditations, but it cannot be resold as it is, as standalone content.

What does the voicing sound like for the audible affirmations?

The voicing is presented by our resident male voice over artist, in a British accent. Our goal is to achieve clarity: easy to understand with words properly pronounced. Below is a sample of the voice.

  • Affirmations Sample 1

If you have a specific question, feel free to reach out to us and ask.

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