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sound sleep meditation

Sound Asleep

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Length: 30-minute, 1 & 2-hour versions, and the raw binaural beats tone
Sound Design: Soft chords and soothing subtle swirls
Sound Waves: Delta

Sound Asleep is designed to empty your mind and lead you into a state of sleepiness.

Purposefully minimal, the composition is hypnotic in nature yet comforting and warm, which, along with sleep-inducing delta waves, creates a soft bed of sound that consumes and relaxes your mind.

Sound Asleep is the perfect way to put the day to bed and promote deeper, healthier sleep.

Study Reveals Effects of 3-Hz Binaural Beat on Sleep Stages

Delta brainwaves are most abundant in deep sleep (stage N3), an important regenerative period where the body heals and repairs itself. Without enough of this deep sleep, we are unable to properly recover and heal. The first cycle of Stage N3 sleep lasts around 45-90 minutes, and the cycles get shorter as your night’s sleep goes on. As we age, we experience less deep sleep, to the point where at an old age we may experience little to none.

sleep meditation pack

Sleep Pack

Audio Tracks: 4
Track Length: Includes 30 & 60-minute versions

The Sleep Meditation Pack contains 4 soothing sleep tracks: three designed for night-time sleep and one for day-time power napping.

The sleep tracks can be used up to 1-hour before bed, or while in bed as you read or relax and prepare to fall asleep. You can also fall asleep while listening.

For a description of each, please see the notes below.

meditation music for sleep

Blissful Sleep

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Track Length: Includes 30 & 60-minute versions, and the raw binaural beats tone
Sound Design: Soft pads, floating swirls, calming droplets
Soundwaves: Delta

Blissful Sleep is designed to ready your mind and body for a rejuvenating night’s rest. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who experience difficulty falling asleep or face challenges with mid-sleep waking episodes.

Blissful Sleep promotes the production of Delta waves in the brain, which play a crucial role in facilitating healthy and restorative sleep cycles.

By listening to Blissful Sleep, whether up to an hour before bedtime or as you drift off to sleep, you will experience accelerated sleep onset and more of the vital deep sleep you need .

Unlock the power of Blissful Sleep and embark on a journey towards profound relaxation and revitalizing slumber.

Deep Sleep Meditation music

Deep Sleep

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Track Length: Includes 30 & 60-minute versions, and the raw binaural beats tone
Sound Design: Warm pads, soothing ambience, dreamy sound FX
Sound Waves: Delta

Deep Sleep promotes deeper and more rejuvenating sleep cycles, leaving you feeling revitalized and full of energy upon waking.

Using a combination of soothing music and Delta wave frequencies, Deep Sleep induces a sense of tranquility, helping you unwind and quiet an overactive mind.

For individuals who struggle with falling asleep or staying asleep for extended periods, Deep Sleep offers a natural alternative to sleep medications.

To maximize its benefits, listen to Deep Sleep up to 1-2 hours before bedtime, or while in bed as you ease into sleep.

Discover The Most Relaxing Music For Sleep Ever Made

Listening to relaxing sleep music before bed is a great way to put the day to rest and prepare to hit the pillow. Many people find it hard to sleep because they remain too active close to bedtime, and subsequently find they can’t slow the mind down and properly relax when they try to fall asleep.

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