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Binaural Beats Sleep Guide: Science, Effectiveness, Best Practice Use

We’re becoming an increasingly sleepless world. 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep, and 8.6 million Americans report taking prescription sleeping aids.
Ill-health is a cause of poor sleep, not least because some medications may affect the sleep wake cycle. But the biggest factor in people not sleeping properly is stress and anxiety. We are busier than ever. To make ends meet we are working increasingly long hours, and at the same time trying to keep up with family commitments.

calm down meditation

Calm Down (Special Offer)

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Sorry, the special offer has ended.

Length: Includes 30 & 60-minute versions and the raw binaural beats tone
Sound Design: Gentle stream, soft tones, ethereal sounds
Sound Waves: Delta

Our Calm Down meditation music is designed to help you overcome irritability and anger to effortlessly achieve a state of tranquility.

Using soothing melodies combined with high spectrum Delta frequency binaural beats, the music entrains the brain to a deeply calm state where feelings of agitation, frustration, and high level stress just fall away.

Download your copy now and access a calm, emotionally stable state of mind.

calm down meditation

Calm Down

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Length: Includes 30 & 60-minute versions, and the raw binaural beats tone
Sound Design: Gentle stream, soft tones, ethereal sounds
Sound Waves: Delta

Calm Down is designed to help you overcome irritability and anger to effortlessly achieve a state of tranquility.

Using soothing melodies combined with high spectrum Delta frequency binaural beats, the music entrains the brain to a deeply calm state where feelings of agitation, frustration, and stress just fall away.

Download your copy now and access a calm, emotionally stable state of mind.


Overcome Mental Fatigue – Special Offer [Ended]

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Length: Includes 30 & 60-minute versions and the raw binaural beats tone
Sound Design: Gentle stream, deep pads, rich tones, subtle chimes
Sound Waves: Alpha

Based on scientific research, our Overcome Mental Fatigue meditation program is specifically designed to help relieve your tired mind.

Whether you’ve been working too hard, worrying too much, or enduring emotional strain, you can clear your brain fog, boost mental clarity, and rejuvenate your mind – instantly.

Incorporate this this program into your daily routine to enhance your cognitive well-being and foster a balanced, clear, purposeful mindset.


Overcome Mental Fatigue

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Length: Includes 30 & 60-minute versions, and the raw binaural beats tone
Sound Design: Gentle stream, deep pads, rich tones, subtle chimes
Sound Waves: Alpha

Based on scientific research, our Overcome Mental Fatigue meditation program is specifically designed to help relieve your tired mind.

Whether you’ve been working too hard, worrying too much, or enduring emotional strain, you can clear your brain fog, boost mental clarity, and rejuvenate your mind – instantly.

Incorporate this program into your daily routine to enhance your cognitive well-being and foster a balanced, clear, purposeful mindset.

Why Don’t Binaural Beats Work for Me?

Binaural beats music is scientifically proven as a transformative therapy, but there are a number of factors that can hinder efficacy. If you aren’t feeling the benefits that you should be, one or more of the following is probably the reason why.

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