Beta Waves

Beta waves are the fastest of the four main brainwave states. However, there is also a fifth – Gamma – which is faster.
Beta waves cycle between 14 and 30 cycles per second, although you may see some sources citing that Beta starts at 15 Hz and ends at 40 Hz; that’s because there’s some contention over where it starts and ends.
If you were to take a snapshot of the brain when it is actively engaged in mental activities, you would see an abundance of Beta waves.
Beta waves are characteristic of a strongly engaged mind. For example, when we are in deep conversation or debate, the brain produces Beta waves. Similarly, a person making a speech or an actor playing a part would generate an abundance of Beta waves as they immerse themselves in their actions.
Our Beta binaural beats music focuses on high brainwave activities such as learning, energy, and action.
Our Beta Binaural Beats
Beta spans a broad frequency spectrum. At the lower end, the results are more akin to the Alpha state below it, while higher up the scale, the brainwaves become more energetic.
For example, Energy Express sits at 30 Hz for most of the track —stimulating your brain for high-energy activities. This is perfect for days when you feel lethargic and drowsy, perhaps after a late night or while recovering from illness.
Our Wellness Meditation on the other hand sits at 20 Hz, using the popular “Rife frequency” known for its healing properties.
In addition, a combination of entrainment using Alpha and Beta waves can complement each other. For instance, our Super Brain Power track contains both Alpha and Beta frequencies, at 10 Hz and 18 Hz, respectively.
These two frequencies are known for improving memory, particularly in retaining information while reading and studying, making Super Brain Power an excellent tool for those looking to enhance passive recall performance.
This type of information retention targets short- and medium-term learning. For improving long-term memory, you might consider our Memory Enhancer track, which uses Gamma frequencies at 40 Hz.
How Our Music Works
Our music is a combination of specific frequencies set underneath relaxing music. When you listen along, your brain begins to follow along and produce brainwaves aligned with the track’s frequency. This shifts the brain into the desired state.
This phenomenon, known as ‘frequency-following response,’ enables us to entrain the brain for particular states of being.
Get Started Now
All our Beta binaural beats are available for instant download. Each track includes 30-minute, 60-minute, and raw tone (no music overlay) versions.
The music can be played on any digital device that supports audio playback: computer, phone, tablet, or MP3 player.
We also include a user guide with each download to help you maximize your listening experience. For additional support, refer to our FAQ section.